With four different types of Blackjack you will be able to choose the table that best suits your budget and your style of play. Each table has its own specificities and you will discover some very pleasant options to ensure you win on this great casino classic.
The best way to test each of these machines and choose your favorite is to simply place a few bets in Fun mode. Just hover your mouse over one of the icons and choose Fun Game. A game window will open and you can play with virtual money, test your luck and discover all the options and variations between the machines.
In Blackjack, the basic principle remains the same. The objective is to beat the dealer by accumulating cards without ever exceeding the sum 21. If you uncover an Ace and a card equal to or greater than 10, you have just won Blackjack. This combination is unbeatable and you have already doubled your stake. After receiving your first two cards, you have different choices. You can request additional cards to get as close as possible to a total of 21. You have the option of doubling your bet and getting a card. You can also split two cards of the same value and bet on two separate hands. The options are numerous and you will learn some good techniques as you play.
Blackjack offers a quick and easy game with real player action. You will need to make the right choice to increase your wins and sometimes limit your losses. Thinking has its place in this casino favorite, so make yourself comfortable in front of your screen, grab a glass of your favorite drink and uncover your cards for hours of guaranteed fun.